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The Domville 2 (The Domville #2) Page 4

  ‘I’m going to fucking kill him!’ she repeated. ‘He cheated on you, Lisa.’

  ‘It’s not cheating when you’ve given your consent,’ I reminded her. ‘But yes, I’m pissed that he did it so close to our wedding. It’s barely given me time to process it. I’d also liked to have had the chance to decide if it was something I ought to do.’

  ‘No decision to be made. You’re supposed to be getting married in less than 24 hours, we’ve got to get you laid before you put on that bloody dress and decide you’re going to put up with shit sex for life.’

  ‘It’s not all shit. I love kissing him, he makes me come with oral and fingering, it’s just the actual act it’s so … lacklustre and … boring.’

  ‘I really didn’t see that coming,’ Mandy sighed, shaking her head. ‘I mean he’s hot. Great looking, amazing body, intelligent. You’d think he’d have clued up by watching porn or something.’

  ‘Not his style,’ I shrugged, though I did wonder if that would have helped. ‘Anyway, I’m not going out to try and pull the first guy I see, just to get back at him.’

  ‘You’re not getting back at him, you’re simply taking advantage of a deal that was made for both of you and making one-hundred percent sure that you really want to marry the guy. I could ring that escort one of the girls at work used, she raved about him, what was his name … Logan, that was it, Logan Steele. Apparently she couldn’t walk for two days after and said she’d never come so many times.’

  ‘You know, Brady mentioned that. But if he’s that good, Mandy, he’s not exactly going to be available on a few hours’ notice. Besides, that’s just setting Brady and I up for failure. Sleeping with a guy who’s at the top of his game, how many men would compare to that?’

  ‘I’d love to find out, if I had the money to book him. Damn it, I’m horny now. All this talk of hot musicians and escorts. We’re going down to that bar tonight and we’re going to score ourselves a couple of guys to bring back to the suite. Then you can decide what to do tomorrow,’ she stated firmly, stuffing another strawberry in her mouth. I sighed and drained my champagne, wondering if that really was the way to go.

  The Bar


  We’d feasted on a delightful light meal of salmon, on a bed of sugar snap peas, with pea tendrils and a delicate tarragon mayonnaise, accompanied by the most exquisite white wine and a delicious dark chocolate and hazelnut dacquoise, along with much laughter. Mum, Aunt Jayne and Sharon, my bridesmaid, headed off for an early night, leaving Mandy and I to do the same, but of course she had other ideas.

  ‘Get dressed sexily, we’re going out to get you laid,’ she ordered, sticking her head around the en-suite door as I was about to brush my teeth for bed.

  ‘Mandy,’ I moaned with a frown. ‘That’s not the answer.’

  ‘So, what? You’re really going to walk up the aisle tomorrow and never come during sex, ever?’ she studied my face as she waited for a response. Inside I was in turmoil. I was still no closer to deciding what I should do tomorrow. How the hell was I supposed to make a decision like that under so much pressure?

  ‘We can work on it. We can become more spontaneous and try new things,’ I nodded, trying to convince myself more than her.

  ‘If it hasn’t happened in eleven years, I really don’t see things changing now,’ she scoffed, looking at me as if I was stupid. ‘You’ll always be resentful if you marry him and never got to experience it with someone else.’

  ‘Mandy,’ I sighed, full of frustration. Part of me knew that she was right, but I didn’t want to go and have sex with some random guy I picked up in a bar or club, just because there was a gun against my head. Surely sex should be natural? An equal desire for the other person? Not forced.

  ‘Fine. Whatever. But I’m telling you that you’re making a massive mistake and I, for one, will be flying the “I told you so” banner proudly when it all goes tits up,’ she muttered and stomped out slamming the bedroom door behind her. I scrunched up my face in frustration, clutching at the cool granite countertop as I tried to breathe calmly. Maybe she was right. I mean, there was nothing wrong with going down to the bar and having a few drinks. If there was someone that captured my attention, I could make a decision then. If there wasn’t anyone, maybe I could view it as a sign that I was on the right path. That everything I had with Brady was worth so much more than some sheet clawing orgasms. I marched to her room and flung the door open.

  ‘Get dressed before I change my mind. We’re going down to the bar,’ I ordered.

  ‘I have just the dress for you to wear,’ she grinned, scrambling off the bed and racing to her wardrobe.

  The lift began its descent and I looked down at the dress of Mandy’s that she’d insisted I wear. She was slimmer than me, without my tits and arse, so figure hugging was an understatement. Black smooth material, with a satin like sheen, clung to my body. It stopped mid-thigh, with a slit up the left leg that almost reached my hip. A plunging neckline had my voluptuous breasts trying to make a bid for freedom. A messy up do, with dark smoky eyes and ruby rich painted lips, made me look like I was a sophisticated and confident model. Until the lift opened that was, when I nearly toppled over in the ridiculously high heels she’d strapped to my feet.

  ‘Stop fidgeting, you look stunning and lean back. Weight on the heel, not on the balls of your feet, or you’ll definitely fall over. A broken leg is the last complication you need this weekend,’ Mandy muttered as she led the way across the marble foyer to the Champagne Bar. I had to make a conscious effort to keep my mouth closed. As if the beautiful tones coming from the Grand Piano being tinkled in the background, or the expensive and enormous crystal chandeliers weren’t impressive enough, the bar was full of men dressed in three piece suits, who stopped mid-conversation to appraise Mandy and me as we headed to the long bar to get ourselves a drink. ‘Jesus, I’m coming here more often. Look at all the man candy,’ Mandy whispered.

  ‘Friday night after work drinks by the looks of it,’ I nodded, as I returned my focus to walking as sexily as possible, without falling over.

  ‘This is a veritable goldmine of cock. Someone hand me a miners helmet and budgie right now, I’m going in as soon as we have a drink in our hands.’

  ‘Budgie,’ I laughed. ‘We’ve moved on a bit since then.’

  ‘Well something’s needed in here. I’m about to choke on the testosterone flooding this place. These aren’t your run of the mill guys, Lisa. This is alpha male central and I’m one kitty who’s looking to be stroked, petted and tamed tonight,’ she nodded, casting another appreciative and frankly carnivorous look around the bar. I shook my head and ordered a couple of glasses of Champagne as I gently eased myself up onto one of the bar stools. I crossed my legs, tugging on my short hemline to try and preserve some modesty. How were we sisters? We couldn’t be more different if we tried.

  Mandy was right though, the bar was a breeding ground for out of control male hormones. Businessmen unwinding after a stressful week and what better way to unwind than hooking up for some Friday night action? Why the place wasn’t full of women was beyond me. Guys in here were affluent, cultured and seemingly dominant. Everything a heroine in my saucy novels was looking for in her hero. It didn’t take long for Mandy’s flirtatious glances to attract them and soon we were surrounded, being purchased more Champagne by the minute. At first I felt uncomfortable and kept reaching for the bare ring finger on my left hand, feeling weird without my engagement ring. Mandy had insisted that I leave it upstairs. Just in case. I felt naked without it. And guilty. The more I chatted though, the more I started to relax and enjoy some casual conversation. I was just out having a drink. Nothing more. It didn’t have to lead to anything if I didn’t want it to. Did I want it to? I still wasn’t sure. I turned to pick up my glass of bubbly and caught the eye of a blond haired man sitting at the other end of the bar. Something inside of me jolted as we looked at each other. His emerald green eyes were smouldering. I could have been back in schoo
l, swooning the first time I saw Brady. Since then, no one had made my heart flutter, but there was something about this stranger that had my breath coming a little faster and my stomach fluttering in appreciation.

  I blushed as he winked at me and tipped his glass towards me, raising it to his lips and taking a swig, before placing it back down and licking his full lower lip. I gulped as a vision of that tongue trailing across my nipple sprang to my mind. His eyes were so intense. Like he was mentally undressing me and liking what he saw. I cast my eye from the top of his dirty blond, sexily mussed up hair, down his angled, masculine face to his broad shoulders and chest. He was dressed in a dark charcoal suit, with a bright white shirt undone at the neck. He stood out from all the other men who were wearing three piece suits, but not just for his attire. He just radiated sexiness and I was already feeling it in my stiffened nipples and slightly damp underwear. I blinked rapidly as our eyes met again, disconcerted at my reaction to a total stranger.

  ‘Hot damn,’ giggled Mandy in my ear, startling me, making me break eye contact with him. ‘He’s sexy as hell, Lisa and he seems to have the hots for you. Badly!’

  ‘Please, he looks old enough to be my father,’ I retorted, flashing another sneaky glance his way, feeling my cheeks turn scarlet to see he was still looking at me. A smirk turned up the corners of his kissable lips as he caught me looking and I couldn’t help noticing an elegantly long finger tracing circles around the rim of his drink. God, the thought of his finger doing that around my clit was … I shook my head to rid myself of illicit thoughts.

  ‘Nothing wrong with a Sugar Daddy, Sis. Especially not one with a face and body like that. Age equals experience, which means an obvious advantage for you. Besides, he only looks in his late thirties, early forties. Definitely nothing wrong with that. Go and get your flirt on.’

  ‘My flirt on?’ I uttered as I spun around to gaze at her in amazement. ‘I don’t even know how to get my flirt on. I’ve never “got my flirt on” before. Brady asked me out, I said yes, that’s as far as my flirting skills go.’

  ‘Well you’re going to have to learn fast. I’ve got my eye on someone, so you might be on your own anytime soon,’ she advised with a cheeky grin.

  ‘Some wing woman you are,’ I scoffed. ‘Which one?’

  ‘I think I’m going slightly crazy as it’s none of these seriously hot guys in suits.’

  ‘Gaston the butler,’ I announced with a giggle.

  ‘Jog on,’ she replied, with a look of utter mortification on her face.

  ‘Who then?’ I asked, intrigued.

  ‘There’s just something about that piano player,’ she replied with a wistful sigh, as we both looked over towards him. He was cute. Not Mandy’s normal style at all. ‘It’s the fingers,’ she breathed, as if reading my mind. ‘Watch them go and imagine those playing your clit. Mad skills. I guarantee he’d get a gold medal if there was a finger banging Olympics.’ Funny, just what I’d been thinking about Mr. Sexy at the end of the bar.

  ‘He’s working, he’s not going to pack up early just because you’re offering sex.’

  ‘Maybe not, but he must get a break and I don’t need long. In fact I’m going to go and find out when he’s off.’ She slipped off her stool and made her way over to him. I watched in awe as she sashayed her way through the tables, turning heads as she did. Sexual confidence and appeal was something Mandy had never been lacking. I saw her lean in and whisper something in the piano player’s ear. Without missing a beat he grinned and replied as he continued to play. Mandy giggled as she straightened up and ran her hands over her dress, blew him a kiss and made her way back towards me with an infectious smile. ‘You’ve got half an hour before he tinkles my ivories and makes me sing,’ she proudly announced.

  ‘How do you do it?’ I exclaimed, wonder in my voice. She shrugged with a wink and I drained my glass, turning back to the bar to order some more. Getting pissed was already taking my mind off the impending decision that would affect mine and Brady’s lives tomorrow. I looked at the barman surprised when he handed me a glass of champagne almost immediately.

  ‘Compliments of the gentleman at the end of the bar,’ he smiled, flicking his head down to where my perfect wet dream was sitting. I looked across and flashed him a grateful smile, letting out a breathy moan as he dazzled me with one in return.

  ‘Go,’ ordered Mandy. ‘If that’s not an invitation I don’t know what is.’

  ‘I can’t,’ I replied, as I tore my eyes off his handsome designer stubbled face.

  ‘Can’t or won’t?’

  ‘I don’t know. I’m so confused,’ I groaned, looking at her for support. Despite our sex life and his recent revelations, I still loved Brady. But … this itch I had to just try someone else, to get to experience what Brady had, was burning inside me with an insatiable hunger.

  ‘Don’t worry about me. The minute piano boy’s on his break I’ll be ditching you with no second thoughts. Go, talk to him at least. No one’s saying you have to do anything, but if you don’t I’ll be slapping you with a stupid stick and dragging him to my bedroom. He’s too hot to let slip through your fingers. He gives Brady a run in the looks and body department.’

  ‘Isn’t that a bit wrong though, me thinking about a man who reminds me of Brady?’

  ‘No more wrong than him fucking someone else only last week. Man the fuck up, Lisa. Even if you’re not interested in finding out what it’s like with someone else, get even for Christ’s sake, or you’ll always regret it.’

  ‘What am I supposed to say to him? I don’t know him.’

  ‘Just go over and thank him for the drink, he’ll lead the conversation, that’s if he wants to converse. He looks ready to throw you down and fuck you on the floor. You’re so in there. Easiest score ever,’ she nodded with a triumphant grin.

  ‘Shit,’ I muttered as I slid off my stool and grasped the stem of my glass tightly. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’

  ‘Me neither,’ Mandy giggled. ‘I’ll make a harlot out of you yet. Sex isn’t always about love, you know. Sex can be just that. A raw urgent need to get off. Welcome to a liberated world. See you in an hour or so.’

  ‘Don’t count your chickens just yet,’ I warned with a roll of my eyes.

  ‘Sis, if you’re not complaining of a bruised and abused fanny by the morning, I’m going to be sorely disappointed in you.’ She kissed my cheek and propped her head up on her hand, one elbow on the bar, as she watched me walk towards my mystery man. With every step I took towards him, I could feel his eyes assessing my body. Appraising me. From the growing tent in his trousers, he liked what he saw. My fingers tightened around the glass and my clutch, desperately trying to conceal that my hands were shaking. I gave myself a scolding. I was a lawyer, I was a professional, confident woman. Surely I could handle talking to a hot guy? I pulled up slightly short of him and carefully set my champagne glass down on the bar. I could feel my rapid breathing undulating my chest as I lifted my eyes to meet his. As green met brown a tidal wave of heat surged through my body.

  ‘Hi, I just wanted to come and thank you for my champagne,’ I managed to utter in a breathless tone.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ he replied, with a husky and very sensual rasp to his tone. He offered his hand to me. ‘Simon.’

  I placed mine in his and felt his strong fingers curl around my hand as he gave me the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. ‘Li … Anna,’ I stuttered, changing my mind at the last second about giving him my real name.

  ‘Leanna, beautiful name for a beautiful lady,’ he winked, his eyes flitting down my body again. I took the chance to do the same to his, while resisting rolling my eyes at the cheesy line. O God, he worked out. I could tell from the way his jacket clung to his powerful biceps and the material straining around his rugby player thighs.

  ‘Are you trying to flatter me,’ I smiled, disappointed at the loss of contact as he pulled his hand away.

  ‘No, I’m trying to get you into my bed, Lea
nna. What will it take to make that happen?’ he asked with a wolfish grin. I gasped, shocked. No one had ever been that upfront with me. Was he serious? My mouth opened and closed a few times as I tried to think how to respond. ‘I don’t believe in beating around the bush,’ he stated, holding my gaze. ‘I find you attractive. Ever since you walked into the bar all I can think about is how much I want to see you naked. To run my hands, lips and tongue over your body. To fuck you until you can’t walk.’

  ‘I … I …’ I shook my head, still stunned and unbelievably turned on at his direct, yet crude, approach.

  ‘Life’s too short to deny our desires, Leanna. We could sit here making polite conversation for the next few hours, both knowing that all we want to do is rip each other’s clothes off and go at it on the bar, or we can skip the small talk and get straight to the pleasure. I’m only here in London for two nights. I’m not looking for a relationship, hell I wasn’t even looking for sex, but … there’s something about you that I can’t ignore. I hate regrets. I already have too many in my life and I made a conscious decision that I was never going to have any again. I know I risk you slapping me and walking away, but it’s a risk worth taking if there’s the remotest possibility that I end the evening with my cock inside you.’

  ‘What if I’m simply not interested,’ I managed to reply, shifting on my heels, pressing my thighs together firmly to try and ease the pressure of my tingling clit. No one had ever spoken dirty to me before. I was both disgusted and extremely turned on, in equal measures, which was very confusing.

  ‘Then you’re lying to yourself. Your cheeks are flushed and you can’t control your breathing. Your large nipples are protruding, making me want to lean forward and bite one and you keep rubbing your thighs together because your sweet little pussy is on fire at the thought of what a total stranger wants to do to it,’ he confirmed, with a cocky smirk. Damn him, my skin was prickling and my knickers were dampening at the thought of getting wild and uninhibited with a man I didn’t even know. Mandy did this all the time. This was normal, one night hook ups. I didn’t know anyone that hadn’t had at least one, one night stand in their lives. I was the odd one out. But then why did it feel so illicit? You’re engaged and supposed to be getting married tomorrow that’s why, a small voice in my head reminded me. I glugged on my champagne, trying to give myself another few seconds to process the internal war raging inside me. Was Mandy right? If I became Mrs. Brady Collins, would I always regret the fact that he’d experienced sex with someone else and I hadn’t? Would it really be that wrong to try it? After all, he’d done it and I had his permission.